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dead horse造句

"dead horse"是什么意思  
  • Alimony is like buying oats for a dead horse
  • Quit asking him to do you a favor . you ’ re beating a dead horse
  • It is useless to flog a dead horse
  • I ' ve already made up my mind . there ' s no sense flogging a dead horse
  • I ' ve already made up my mind . there ' s no sense beating a dead horse
  • That guy smells like a dead horse ! - i ' m not proud of it
    这家伙闻起来像匹死马! -我觉得没什么可自豪的
  • - that guy smells like a dead horse ! - i ' m not proud of it
    -这家伙闻起来像匹死马! -我觉得没什么可自豪的
  • See them there stark ballocknaked eating a dead horse s liver raw
    俺瞧见过这帮人一丝不挂地正生吃一条死马的肝脏哪。 ”
  • He ' s flogging a dead horse in trying to persuade people to use canals instead of roads
  • " it is not my predilection to go beating a dead horse . . . but i have little pity for a cannibal .
    我没兴趣对死人出手. . .但是我也不会同情吃人的家伙。
  • It's difficult to see dead horse in a sentence. 用dead horse造句挺难的
  • We discussed some incidents that had happened long ago . it was really flogging a dead horse
    我们讨论了一些很早以前发生的事,实在是“炒冷饭” ,毫无意思。
  • Stop asking me . you ' re flogging a dead horse . i don ' t want to go and i ' ve told you that a hundred times
  • You ' re flogging a dead horse by asking jim to lend you money - he hasn ' t even enough money for himself
  • The road along which they marched was strewn on both sides with the carcases of dead horses . the tattered soldiers , stragglers from different regiments , were continually changing , joining the column as it marched , and dropping behind it again
  • " cure a dead horse as if it were alive " is the motto of first - aid workers , who do not easily give up due to their respect for life and sincerity in helping people . instructor zheng cited one example about a little girl who saved her grandfather s life by doing cpr cardiopulmonary resuscitation continually for four hours
  • Like horses crowding , snorting , and starting round a dead horse , numbers of familiar and unfamiliar figures crowded round the coffinthe marshal , and the village elder , and peasant women , and all with scared and fascinated eyes , crossed themselves , and bowed down and kissed the cold , stiff hand of the old prince
  • We kept our arms ready , and our eyes about us , but we saw no more wolves , till we came thro that wood , which was near half a league , and entred the plain ; as soon as we came into the plain , we had occasion enough to look about us : the first object we met with , was a dead horse ; that is to say , a poor horse which the wolves had kill d , and at least a dozen of them at work ; we could not say eating of him , but picking of his bones rather ; for they had eaten up all the flesh before
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